Join me on this online programme through 11 modules for a journey of self discovery where you will learn to understand the root cause of your negative projections and emotions. You will learn how to work through these obstacles whilst sitting in the emotion and observing them in a mindful way. This will help you to be present and better understand the things that may come up.
We look at this course through the Japanese art of Kintsukuroi, where pottery is repaired with gold or silver, communicating that the piece is even more beautiful for having been broken. This builds positive energy for healing to begin.
The course moves through eleven modules of Kundaleni yoga, where we explore your chakras to find out where your energy is blocked. We also show you how to overcome negative emotions such as fear, anger, feeling overwhelmed, sadness, and much more.
The programme holds a safe space to learn and practice yoga to find healing and balance your needs, preventing burn out and anxiety. We will be working with:
- Your body’s natural energies
- The life giving force of prana (breath)
- Meditation
- Mudras (hand positions)
- Kriyas (exercise sequences)
All to enable you to heal, grow, and reach your full Expansion!
Explore how to break through your perceived limitations and blocks using the ancient method of yoga and meditation.