eLearning content, online hosting & change management

We offer world-class learning content development services. We offer our services for content hosted on the client learning management system and our learning management platform, Juno. Our learning journey and success management services are fully inclusive and well-managed to motivate for completion. Empanda also specialises in change management, with deep experience delivering change, training, and communication services for groundbreaking transformation programmes.


We are eLearning content development masters, offering a blend of instructional design and multimedia products. The products include video, animation, interactive eLearning, assessments, quizzes, booklets, and infographics.


We design and facilitate motivational change and learning journeys. We incentivise learner success, organisational
development, change, and communication services designed to enable business transformation objectives.

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Our services reflect the blend of solutions that our clients regularly seek to lift their people.

integrated journey management

We begin by establishing a vision and project objective that informs a pilot that incubates instructional design and enables scoping. We pay attention to curating the delivery organisation and process. We then onboard our learners and initiate success management, evolving performance.


We unify stakeholders around an energised vision and objective, engaging and aligning on
ownership roles.


We design a proof of concept solution to test, scope, and phase delivery and develop the


We develop the solution with the engagement needed to build the team that enables delivery and success management.


We onboard and track content effectiveness, delivery, learner feedback, and business performance.

we lead with visioning

Our visioning process is our flagship intervention. It is how we accelerate the design phase. Our recipe is customisable and can be used to mobilise a variety of projects. We provide a platform for leaders, experts, and central team members to unify refreshed objectives. It is an intense online workshop; crafted to mindfully distill the strategic information needed to unify action and fuel success.

Visioning Deliverables (eLearning)

A vision and story about our identity that will delight our learners.

Clear and specific customer personas to frame our service mindset.

The leadership & delivery roles our wider organisation needs to play.

The learning curriculum will deliver the understanding and competencies we want.

The content development and hosting delivery plan are needed to ensure success.

The learning outcomes, business outcomes, and measures we can track and enhance.

A learner's anatomy of the values, skills, knowledge, and behaviours we want to see.

The organisation’s design is needed to lead and manage the delivery.

The learning tools & interactions blend that will work best for our learners and wider team.

Our stakeholder ownership, adoption, and support for the learning journey.

our customer promise

We are a value-led organisation, authentically passionate about empowerment. We know that your budget and resources are tight and that your investment in us is precious. We will work hard to reward your trust and confidence in us.